Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I dwell in Possibility
as my mind it wanders
through keyless entries
Seeking Windows of wild blue yonder

Treasures open in Chambers
as dreams are as revealing
as an everlasting Sky
expansive as the universe's ceiling.

each door opened to Visitors
Now become inhabitants
the fairest for pre-Occupation
The spreading of miraculous.

Lifted high and outstretched
Arms gathering the farfetched...

© Evelyn Elizabeth 2015

5/30 prompt: "Find an Emily Dickinson poem – preferably one you’ve never previously read – and take out all the dashes and line breaks. Make it just one big block of prose. Now, rebreak the lines. Add words where you want. Take out some words. Make your own poem out of it!"

I selected "I dwell in possibility"

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