There are days when I just want to hear,
"my god, you're beautiful."
And yeah, I want to hear it from a man.
And no, I don't have a particular one in mind or know his name.
No wait, that's a lie.
I may not know his name,
but I know who he is
and what he sees in me.
And no, not "he" literally,
but figuratively.
When he utters those words,
"my god, you're beautiful,"
he doesn't say it because my frame and sway meet his desire.
He says it not because my eyes are a pale hue of blue
or due to my lips perfectly pursed.
Not because I'm dressed to the hilt
or my hair is just right.
Those things are nice, I'm not gonna lie... but that's not why I want the words falling
And no ego boost needed
as if I'm having a bad day or I'm lonely,
because I'm not.
No justification that I've made right choices.
Each decision I've made is mine
and I'll own them every damn time.
Those words aren't for my validation.
I'm validated from knowing I am surrounded
with people already beautiful to me.
I know my worth and my beauty.
"My god you're beautiful,"
means he sees me.
"You create and see the world wondrous."
"You love and are overly generous."
"You exist and live peacefully."
"You lead and do it humbly."
"You thirst and quench with wisdom."
"You hurt and don't play the victim."
"You trust and earn loyalty."
"You smile and laugh joyfully."
"My god, you're beautiful,"
he says to me.
And in him, more beauty I see.
From me he pulls my words when I'm silent.
When I'm lost he offers guidance.
Slow to anger and empathetic.
Revels in ecstasy and romantic.
A gypsy soul and bohemian.
Has made peace with all his demons.
"I see you in me."
"I see your worth and bountiful beauty."
My god, you're beautiful.
(c) Evelyn Elizabeth 2015